Monday, February 28, 2011

What is Beauty and Real?

According to the online dictionary, BEAUTY is defined as a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning or satisfaction. In my personal opinion, I believe that beauty is defined according to the emotions that we feel. Beauty could consist of anything. I't doesn't necessarily have to be something physical but can also be immaterial. For example, your feelings can be defined as having beautiful thoughts. I't  doesn't necessarily have to be something physical as a person or a object. Also, it's your personal opinion of what you consider beauty. For example, something that is made by beauty can be defined as beauty. For example, a rose. What does a rose have that makes us consider it  beautiful. Perhaps that it comes from nature and everything the rose contains makes us feel something special about the rose.  Now let's try to define what's REAL. According to the online dictionary, real means true; not merely ostensible, nominal or apparent. Real can be anything that comes from nature. For example, a rose growing out of a garden can be define as real. Why? because It's not artificial. The smell of the rose is natural and no one can make the smell of a rose, the smell is there naturally. The color is there naturally, it's real no one got a brush and painted it. Also, in my personal opinion a person's ideas can also be considered real. When you think and come up with new ideas, their real because no one said them to you. Their your ideas and you didn't steal them from anyone, therefore, their real.

It's beautiful and real.
Beauty could be define through your feelings. Real is anything natural ,something that is not copied but created by its own. Real is original and not just recreated.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

LACMA Museum

On February 23, 2011 I got the opportunity to go LACMA museum in Los Angeles, California. LACMA museum is so enormous, is almost like the size of a city. I liked it way better than Norton museum , except the parking fee was so expensive. When I arrived to LACMA Museum, I didn't know from what building to start looking at. Soon I started looking at Jane and Marc Nathason Gallery. The first piece of art that impressed me was the big blue dog because when I was younger, I would go to birthday parties or the mall and I would always see clowns doing cute dog balloon figures. All of a sudden I come to LACMA museum and find this gigantic blue dog. This blue dog identifies with me because I always enjoyed looking at the clowns doing figures and I remember that I always wanted these kind of dogs balloons figures. One time back in the days, my parents bought me a dog shape balloons.
After looking at some beautiful and aspiring paintings, I found some Gigantic Pool balls created by Claes Oldernburg in 1967. These pool balls are huge and fun to look at. These gigantic pool bars identify with me because when I went to Mexico for vacations, my friends and I would always go to this one bar and play pool. The only problem that I had was that I was never able to put the balls inside the hole. Playing pool was my favorite thing to do with my friends in Mexico. These pools brought me memories of my friends. This is one reason why these Gigantic Pool Bars Identify with me.

This painting painted by Chaim Soutine in 1918, identifies with me because this is how I my dream house looks like. My dream house is a white two story house. For some reason, I have always imagined my house in a forest with no neighbors around. This is how the painting house looks like. I also imagine the yellow leaves falling from the trees and the wind blowing them away. This is how the painting describes my dream house. My dream house needs to be in top of a hill. This is why this painting identifies with me because it shows my dreams house in a painting.

In the Latin American Art, I found this Incised  Shell Bell Ornament found in Guerrero, Mexico in the 500 BC. This sea shell identifies with me because when I was younger, I enjoyed collecting sea shells from the beaches my dad would take me. I remember my dad taking me to the beaches and helping me collect sea shells. I remember that one time I found a sea shell similar to the one in the picture and it had a little animal inside the shell. I was too excited so I brought the shell and the animal home. The little animal didn't survived in fresh water so it died. Sea shells identify with me because they were part of my collection for many years. Sea shells represent part of my love for nature, that's why I enjoyed collecting them. At home, I have this special shell found in Culiacan,Sinaloa. I will bring it to class. Every time I put the Shell in my ear, I could ear
the waves of the ocean.

 While I was taking a walk around all the building, this place that shows the view of Los Angeles City. Los Angeles City, identifies with me because this is where I grew up. Los Angeles City has been my home, its been the city that has showed me the opportunities in life. It has showed me for example, this museum full of paintings that I didn't know that existed. Los Angeles City has giving me and my family the opportunity to have a better future. It has giving me the opportunity to go to school and learn. This is why Los Angeles City identifies with me, because its where I have grown up.
Another painting that identifies with me is the painting of the Virgin of Guadalupe, painted by Manuel Arellano in 1691. This painting identifies with me because it represents part of my religion and faith. I as a catholic have my faith on the virgin Mary. TheVirgin Mary is someone who I put my faith into. She is someone who I ask for a miracle or at least someone who I ask for help. I have learned so much about the Virgin Mary that has influenced me to keep myself motivated, even when everything is not going so well.
 From the Indian Building, the only painting that identifies with me is the painting of the city. The city painted in the picture looks different from Los Angeles City.However, it identifies with me because I live in a city full of different cultures. I have meet Indian people that have introduced me to different food, jewelry and more. For example, I had a friend who was Indian and wore beautiful jewelry so ever since I started buying Indian Jewelry too. If you go and meet people from different cultures you will always learn new things that will shape you eventually in life. For example, the Indian culture has shaped me in the way of not judging but trying to understand from another view. I also live close to Little India Village and I do lot's of my shopping in Little India. For example, that is where i get some of my jewelry. I also go to Indians restaurants in Little India. Many of the buildings  in Little India are shaped like the buildings of the picture.
This two rings are from the Korean building. I have a Korean friend who went with me to the LACMA museum and was telling me that Koreans use to use this type of rings to get married. I haven't got married yet so they can't identified with me. However, I think these rings are fascinating. If i could choose between gold rings and these type of rings, I would choose these type of rings. Actually they do identified with me, their simple just the way I like rings simple. Wow, I actually found something in common about these rings and the rings I like to wear.=)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman was born in January 19, 1954, in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. After Sherman's birth her family moved to Huntington, Long Island. Sherman became interested in the visual arts at Buffalo State College, where she began painting. Sherman realized that all she was doing was copying someone's else painting and later she started thinking of using a camera and put some time into and idea. Througout college she spent the rest of her career focused in photography. Altough Sherman failed a photography class her freshman year in college, she took the class again with a professor named Barbara Jo Revelle, she introduced Sherman to conceptual art and other contemporary forms.While Sherman was in college, she met Robert Longo who encouraged her to record her process of dressing up for parties and more.When Sherman graduated from college, she decided to move to New York to start her new career in art. Sherman began taking photographs of herself, these photographs became known as the Untitled Film Stills, the most regognized photographs of Sherman's career. Sherman shoots pictures alone in her studio, assuming multiple roles as author, director, make-up artist, hairstylist, mistress and model. She uses different costumes and make-up to transfrom her identity for each image. Sherman does not consider her work femenist. I will display some of Sherma's potographs.

Cindy Sherman
 In each of these photgraphs, Sherman plays a type not an actual person. Sherman communicates the viewer that these works are not meant to depict Cindy Sherman the person. By tittling each of the photographs "untitled", as well as numbering them, Sherman depersonalizes the images. Sherman's personality is shown throughout her photographs. Each of photographs is unique an ambiguous that the viewer is left with more confusion than clarity over Sherman's true nature. Sherman completed the project three years later,in 1980, when she "ran out of cliches" with which to work. This series gave Sherman much publicity and acclaim; she had her first solo show at the nonprofit space, the kitchen, in New York City. In 1980, Sherman also created a series of what she called "Rear- Screen Projections" in which ,similarly to the Film Stills, Sherman dressed up and paraded against a projected slide background.
In 1981 Sherman was asked to shoot photographs for the magazine Artforum to do a "centerfold" for one of their upcoming issues. Sherman proceeded to submit a series of images with a cohesive aesthetic look: the camera was placed above Sherman, who was often crouched on the ground or made to look like she was in a state of reverie. This series, as well as an additional series of Sherman in a pink robe, was rejected by Artforum 's editor, Ingrid Sischy, who claimed that these photographs "might be misunderstood."
In 1992 Sherman did a series of photographs now referred to as "Sex Pictures." For the first time, Sherman is entirely absent from these photographs. Instead, she again uses dolls and prosthetic body parts, this time posed in highly sexual poses. Prosthetic genitalia - both male and female - are used often and photographed in extreme close-up. Photographed exclusively in color, these photographs are meant to shock. Sherman continued to work on these photographs for some time and continued to experiment with the use of dolls and other replacements for what had previously been herself.

 Sherman as achieved international success young age, her work has had a consider valuable. In 1999 the average selling price for one of her photographs was $20,000 to $50,000, a good sum for a female photographer. Even more ground-breaking was a 1999 Christie's auction in which one of the photographs from Film Stills sold for a reported $190,000. This was perhaps inspired by the Museum of Modern Art's lead: in 1996, they purchased a complete set from Film Stills for one million dollars. These prices are indicative of Sherman's huge level of success, both critically and financially. Sherman's popularity continues to grow around the world, as she has exhibited countries including Germany, Japan, France.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Glenn's Lecture

Today in our 100 Art class we discussed about some artists and their identities. Some of the main artists that we discussed were Disney reject, Gary Locke that by the way his quote is very inspirational. The documentary Were All Angels sounds very interesting because is about two men who are gay, but are also very christian. Glenn discussed about these artists because our class has to research some of these artists. Glenn talked about Cindy Sherman. Sherman is the artist who I will be researching. Glenn explained that Sherman is famous for photography. She takes portraits of herself when she is in her studio, he also talked about how the positions she takes with her camera define who she is. If you take a look at the picture on your right side, you could see how Sherman is taking the picture with her camera on the up. Another artist who I believe was intersting was Angry Little Asian Girl. Lela Lee is who draws this paintings, she draws this paintings when she is mad. Is interesting to see how she identifies with these paintings. I will show some pictures that identify this asian girl.

 These were one of my favorite artists for todays lecture. I just discovered that art could be done throughut your identity. Perhaps some of these artists are not as recognized as other's but their work should be admired.

Hello World

This is my new blog how exciting